Christmas Trees–from a Different Perspective
Below is Robert Frost’s poem Christmas Trees. I like the way Frost defends the fir trees growing on his land, refusing to sell them for a pittance. Frost’s words paint a beautiful picture of “my...
View ArticleTree-Incarnation: Christmas Trees Return to Nature
I know that not everyone likes poetry, but here is a practical poem about good ways to recycle your spent Christmas tree. ”Poet” Adam Cole offered some fun and creative suggestions for that tree...
View ArticleSo What Is Plan B?
A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to speak about the climate crisis to a group of bright high school seniors. I love speaking to these Virginia Regional Governor’s School students; they...
View ArticleThe Strange History of Birds
A dramatic expansion in genetics research capacity has enabled scientists to learn some surprising things about birds and their evolutionary history. Using new DNA research techniques,...
View ArticleCrazy for Our Climate
photo by Ira Shorr This is the fourth January that I am doing something crazy. On Saturday, just three days from now, I will walk out into the Potomac River, wearing only a bathing suit! Oh yes,...
View ArticleReport from a Plunger
“We did it! On Saturday over 200 of us braved the elements to make the 10th annual “Keep Winter Cold” Polar Bear Plunge our biggest yet. Neither the rain nor an incredibly high tide could stop us from...
View ArticleWintertime Observations
Starting in June of 2013, I spent a year making weekly visits to the same little spot in the forest on the side of the ridge where I live in the Shenandoah Valley. During each visit I jotted my...
View ArticleGreening Your Pet’s ‘Output’
For a great many of us, our dog or cat is a dear companion. How we care for our pet matters, for the animal’s well-being, of course, and also for the well-being of our planet. One way our pets...
View ArticleSome Big News–Part I
I didn ‘t see this coming. As recently as two weeks ago this big decision wasn’t even on my radar. But because of an unexpected turn in the trail, I find myself taking a leap that I hadn’t...
View ArticleSome Big News–Part II
My husband Andy, our friend Laura, and I were talking over lunch recently about how I might reach more people with my climate message. (See Some Big News–Part I) Andy, who is remarkably creative and...
View ArticleThe Earth Connection is Back!
Greetings, all of you who love our marvelous and endangered planet! After a very long ‘silence,’ I have decided to revive THE EARTH CONNECTION. The last time I posted here was February 2015....
View ArticleAn Ode to Dead Leaves
Dry brown leaves Resting on the forest floor, Brittle, thin, lifeless. Their work is done. Once they were young, Fresh, supple, and oh so green, Open to the sun’s rays And carrying that sunshine...
View ArticleYou Are Still Amazing
On a recent morning, my forest wanderings drew me to look at a downed tree. This mighty chestnut oak, who once soared high above the earth, has lain on the forest floor now for quite some time....
View ArticleFrom a Nature Lover’s Broken Heart
What an amazing sight–the sun coming over the ridge seemed to focus all its illuminating energy on a single dogwood. This morning my daily exercise routine was punctuated by a surge of joy....
View ArticleA Tribute to Basho
One of my truly sweet memories from a mostly unhappy year of teaching fourth grade was when I taught my students about a Japanese poet who wrote beautifully about nature. Basho, the seventeenth...
View ArticleA January Swim for our Climate
photo by Ira Shorr Everyone who knows me understands that I am passionate about climate change. I truly believe it is the greatest crisis humanity has ever faced. And we must deal with it for the...
View ArticleParadise for Birds and People
photo by Andy Schmookler Greetings from Israel! My husband and I are exploring this fascinating and beautiful country. Here is a short piece I wrote recently: It is late afternoon now. Andy and I...
View ArticleTiny Odes to Our Earth
I am greatly pleased to offer here several very short–and lovely– poems composed by my friend Fred Andrle. the slow river forks around the tiny island forever thunder slams against my...
View ArticleStopped in My Tracks
A few weeks ago, on one of my wanderings in the forest down the slope from our house, I saw a sight that stopped me in my tracks. There, just inches above the ground were what looked for all the...
View ArticleNamaste, Wood Thrush
photo by Blaine Rothauser Oh, wood thrush, how I love you. To my ears, your song is the sweetest of all forest sounds. Yet I almost never see you; you hide yourself so well, deep among...
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