I am greatly pleased to offer here several very short–and lovely– poems composed by my friend Fred Andrle.
the slow river
forks around the tiny island
slams against my window
spring obstreporous
new spring morning
park wide-greening
dog after dog after dog
too hot, too cold
too damp, too dry
the seasons humanized
everywhere I go
mother sun
brethren fields
Fred is a poet, playwright, and journalist living in Columbus, Ohio. His most recent poetry collection is “What Counts,” (XOXOX Press, Gambier, Ohio, 2012). Fred’s poetry was featured in the anthology “Prayers to Protest: Poems that Center and Bless Us” (Pudding House Press), and his poem “The Book”, was read by Garrison Keillor on his public radio series “The Writer’s Almanac.”
Fred has received Ohio Public Broadcasting and Regional Emmy awards for his radio and television programs. He currently writes as an independent journalist. His opinion columns have appeared in newspapers nationwide.