In the Path of Totality
My dear sister, Tanya Bohlke, was one of the lucky millions who witnessed last month’s total eclipse of the sun. She experienced it as a profound natural event, so I asked her to write about it...
View ArticleOur Plastic Future
a remote South Pacific island Who among my fellow ’60-somethings’ doesn’t remember the scene in The Graduate when Dustin Hoffman, the newly-minted college grad, is given a single word of advice...
View ArticleGiving Thanks for Our Miraculous Home–the Earth
How often do we think to be grateful for this earth? At Thanksgiving time, we know to look around the table and give thanks for the people we love and the food we share. And other cherished...
View ArticleOut of Tragedy–Great Opportunity
Truly, Hurricane Maria’s devastation of Puerto Rico was horrific. But something good can come from it. Something very good. The tragedy of Hurricane Maria creates the potential to transform...
View ArticleHow Pain Can Be Turned to Joy
photo by Ira Shorr Just over a week ago I joined with about 150 people for a bracing plunge into the Potomac River near Washington, DC! No, we were not insane. At least not mostly. We were raising...
View ArticleNight-Night Birdie
Where do the birds go at night? Late on winter afternoons, when all the juncoes, chickadees, and titmice I’ve watched flitting about during the day are nowhere to be seen, I wonder where...
View ArticleFlamingos Are Returning to Florida!
It make me so happy that flamingos are returning to my beloved Florida! During the decade that I lived there, 1964-1974, I never saw a single flamingo in the wild. While the image of the giant pink...
View ArticleAn Ode to the Appalachian Trail
photo by Robert McCaw What I wanted for my birthday in mid-April was to take a hike on the Appalachian Trail with my husband and son. So that’s what we did. And with most of the trees still bare, it...
View ArticleAll About Bark
Anyone who regularly reads this blog knows that I am in love with trees. They are marvelous beings in a great many ways. And most recently, I have been musing on a particular aspect of trees–their...
View ArticleAn Update from the Earth Connection
Warm greetings to all EARTH CONNECTION subscribers! I apologize for being silent for so many months. And this will be my last posting for many more months. You see, I have taken on a temporary but...
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